B&B Integrations, located in Lancaster PA, contacted DaBrian Marketing Group for their web design project. The goal of the web design project was to grant B&B Integrations more access to update content, images, enhance functionality of interior pages and direct control of page elements such as titles, meta descriptions, and alt tags. These changes help to keep the website up to date, make it easier to upload images from projects, and reduce the website support cost.
B&B Integrations began to provide other forms of low-voltage communication systems, which prompted a name change to B&B Communications in 1984. Since the mid-80s, communication systems have become very specialized, including school intercoms, nurse call systems, and video presentation systems. Their customers often required more than one of these specialized systems to work together. Now, they focus on blended or integrated specialized communication systems.
With B&B Integrations, solutions ranging from A/V to school intercom systems, DaBrian Marketing was able to enhance the previous design and overall functionality of the website. In addition, the website design now has clear call to action, newsletter sign-up, and complete control of the WordPress content management systems glenrose homes.
About B&B Integrations
B&B first opened its doors in 1974 as B&B Audio and Acoustics, the business was dedicated to providing engineered sound systems to the houses of worship market. As B&B’s reputation grew, it began working in a more diverse number of industries, providing public address and sound reinforcement systems.
In 2016, to embrace this next stage and better serve customers, the company once again changed its name—from B&B Communications to B&B Integrations. This enhanced brand represents a commitment as a vendor specializing in single solutions by integrating best-in-class, specialized systems.
DaBrian Marketing Group (DMG) is a full service digital marketing agency focused on providing innovative, strategic marketing solutions for businesses that want to obtain digital awareness, cultivate meaningful customer relationships, and gain insights to achieve their goals.